Lilly Research Laboratories Collaborative Access Team (LRL-CAT) offers Express Crystallography, a MAIL-IN protein crystallography service at the Advanced Photon Source (the most intense x-ray source in the U.S.).

Under this program, researchers can obtain data from the X-ray facilities at LRL-CAT. Crystals are screened and data collected based on the provider's specifications.

To learn more about the LRL-CAT Express Crystallography Service,
Contact us:

For information on the APS General User Program,

Advanced Photon Source
9700 S. Cass Ave., Bldg. 438A Sector 31, Argonne, IL 60439
630-252-0820 (Phone)

LRL-CAT, the X-ray Synchrotron Beamline operated by Eli Lilly & Company,

offers Express Crystallography, a full-service mail-in program in protein crystallography to industrial, government and academic users of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. Through this program, researchers have the same access to the beamline that has been available within the company since 2001.

The beamline staff uses automated tools at LRL-CAT to evaluate protein crystals. The automated system for crystal evaluation (scoring) has been in operation for almost 13 years and has analyzed diffraction from more than 170,000 crystals. The system has improved the yield of data, continually demonstrating that crystals whose diffraction appears suboptimal can provide useful and even excellent data.

Samples sent to LRL-CAT are identified by barcodes supplied by the beamline. The barcodes allow all crystals in the program to be tracked while at LRL-CAT. Equivalent crystals are linked together in the database used by the beamline. This feature, combined with automated scoring, permits LRL-CAT to reliably select the best crystals for collection.

Interested users should examine the procedures for preparing and identifying crystals at LRL-CAT, several of which are unique to the beamline. Please contact LRL-CAT at for a copy of these procedures or click here.

All proprietary requests will require contract agreements. LRL-CAT offers a Fee for Service or Long Term Program. Contact us for program details.

All non-proprietary requests for data collection at LRL-CAT are handled as rapid access proposals through the General User Program of the Advanced Photon Source. Proposals may be sent to the APS at any time. Once a proposal has been submitted and all safety documentation provided, samples can be run quickly when the APS is operational. The typical turn-around for datasets is within 2 days.

LRL-CAT - Macromolecular Crystallography - Technical capabilities and specifications

  • Monochromator: Kohzu HLD-15 Double Crystal
  • Crystals: Silicon(111) (2d = 4.1188 Å)
  • Energy range (beamline, standard configuration): ~5.0 - 22 keV (0.56 - 2.47 Å)
  • Energy range (monochromator): ~5 - 22 keV
  • Energy resolution: ~0.01 % (FWHM)
  • Focused beam size: ~0.04 mm x 0.04 mm
  • Flux at sample position (Se K edge, 3rd harmonic of undulator): ~7 x 1012 (photons/sec, measured with Si pin diode)
  • Detector: Pilatus3 S 6M

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